]|[ The Eight Commandments ]|[
• Sportsmanship - Act as a true sportsman. After all it is just a game that you play and there can only be one winner/winning team. So be sportive in case you have lost a match, there are plenty of other chances.
• Play Fair - Play fair, as member of the Dynasty Warriors you are FORBIDDEN to use any kind of cheats that could help you in a game, even if it is just a public game.
• Graceful - Most of the games are good games, so you shouldn’t make a point about it if you win or lose it. Be graceful in defeat, and magnanimous in victory.
• Well Mannered - Maintaining a good attitude is essential. Childish and obnoxious behaviour is not tolerated, which includes abusive behaviour, swearing, etc.
• Support - Always provide help and advice wherever needed, if one would ask us how things work, we should treat them nicely and help them instead of saying things like RTFM.
• Code of Silence - We don't wish to be a clan known for whining. There will always be people like that flaming other people or even clans and WE WILL NOT be one of those. If someone flames you, don't argue or disrespect them or their clan in return, just ignore the person because they aren't worth your time and effort.
• Playtime - The most important thing: play when you can. Of course it is nice that you have the opportunity to play in a nice clan, but of course real life comes first!
• Availability - Let us know when you're available for practices / matches. We don't expect you to be there every day
Just don’t forget to tell other people when you are unable to come to a game or meeting.
]|[ Using the forum and other Dynasty Warriors communication tools ]|[
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