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Author Topic: Challenge  (Read 4588 times)

Shen Cheng

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« on: 21 August 2014, 16:30 »
I thought it would be nice to see how brave the members of DW are.

The idea is to go through as many of the links on 50/50 before you say no more, this means if a video, watching the whole thing. If you stop it you lose. Then you post the one that caused you to stop and how many you made it through.

Link - 50/50

For those that don't know what this is, you get a 2 options in the header, one is usually nice and/or funny, the other is gross or disturbing to some degree. The problem is you don't know which of the two you will get. You have a 50/50 chance to get either option.

I managed to get to #10 which was "Asian woman eats ....." wont say more as will spoil it
Good luck and hope the Goddess of Luck smiles on you :D
« Last Edit: 21 August 2014, 16:39 by Seer »
The non-knowledgeable Asura, but still more intelligent than a bookah.


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Re: Challenge
« Reply #1 on: 21 August 2014, 16:59 »
Hmmm... I dunno if there's shocking stuff inside. Shocking like for example some horror-face popping up all of a sudden together with a loud scream, that makes you jump. Thus, I won't try it, since I'm really not a fan of getting shocked like that. Don't need that; I have enough other problems. ^^

Shen Cheng

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Re: Challenge
« Reply #2 on: 21 August 2014, 17:14 »
Hmmm... I dunno if there's shocking stuff inside. Shocking like for example some horror-face popping up all of a sudden together with a loud scream, that makes you jump. Thus, I won't try it, since I'm really not a fan of getting shocked like that. Don't need that; I have enough other problems. ^^

Not sure on the shocks part, I didnt come across any from what i viewed, but some if unlucky can never be unseen
The non-knowledgeable Asura, but still more intelligent than a bookah.


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Re: Challenge
« Reply #3 on: 21 August 2014, 19:55 »
Not sure on the shocks part, I didnt come across any from what i viewed, but some if unlucky can never be unseen

Must be some similar stuff like those I've (unluckily) seen on encyclopaedia dramatica (the old version... dunno much about the new one) in an article about weird stuff on the internet I think... they mentioned that there are apparently websites and communities of people who post pics of how they mutilate/maim themselves... and it had some example-pics.  ??? :-X Or maybe stuff like what some dutch people (it was ALWAYS the dutch... yeah, I had a bad start with dutch people years ago xD) used to troll the IRC-chat of that RO-server with (disgusting pics of huge/very fat backsides with huge gaping dirty a-holes)... I had to issue quite a few kicks and (temporary) bans because of that. Uff. Back then I really wondered where the heck they've found that gross stuff, but I guess you can find everything if you search long enough.


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